In the race to reduce carbon foot print, eco straws like the ones from Stroh are making a huge difference in reducing our use of plastics in bars. At just AUD $0.05-$0.06 (US $0.03-$0.04) a straw, don’t we get a nice buzz knowing we’re saving the environment from plastic waste? And that’s the long of it!
Then there's the short of it. The metal speed pourers below may not be doing your bar or its bottom line any favours. On the contrary, they’re harmful to the environment and hugely damaging to bar profits.
Prone to excessive breakage and costly replacement, these speed pourers may be cheap at first to buy, however things change when they’re replaced daily, weekly or monthly.
Whilst tens of millions of these aren’t noticeable in landfills, their quality and construction make them very noticeable when creating excessive liquor over pouring and bottle neck cork leakage. Liquor inventory control experts such as Barmetrix and Sculpture Hospitality claim most bars and pubs overpour/waste up to 20% of every shot served.
To many operators, this helps explain why there’s unexplained inventory losses appearing on POS reconciliations. Imagine placing 3-12 eco-straws at AUD $0.05 or US $0.03 each, in every cocktail, the equivalent in cost to overpouring just 1 drink by 3-10mLs or 0.1 to 0.33 oz... for those wanting to run a profitable bar, isn’t this potentially the last straw?